Tuesday, October 30, 2012

   this is a short slide show of the progress i am making on my peavine sub. this past week i got on the scenic kick, so i added ground cover & a few trees. alll the roads are painted on the sub roadbed..this is temporary. eventually i will be doing .020" styrene....enjoy the pics
  all structure on my layout are prototypical & are scratch built by me


Friday, October 26, 2012

landscaping comes to my layout

   this past week, while waiting for stuff i won on ebay, i decided to put some ground cover on one section of my layout. Arizona's landscaping consist mainly of palm tree, cactus & some trees. so i started with the palm trees. i received these palm trees from a company called (wehonest  a Chinese company). the price was right @ less than $12.00 including shipping  for 50 trees. when i received the trees they looked very toy like, so i made some mods on the trunk & foliage using floquil rail brown for the trunks & rustolium "moss green" for the foliage. here are the pics...

after painting the foliage with the moss green

after painting the trunks with floquil rail brown

i took a piece of masonite, drill a few holes so i could paint the tops & not worry about the trunks
ground cover added
this is the industry that got it's landacapeing
another view
another view. the road is temporary until i can get to the plastic wholesaler
i am hppy with the way the palms turned out. now i need to find cactus

Sunday, October 21, 2012


The modern Glendale, AZ depot was boarded up but still standing when this photo was taken in 1998. The structure's build date has not been researched, but John Sayre's The Santa Fe Prescott & Phoenix Railway: The Scenic Line of Arizona indicates that its predecessor, a brick depot built in 1910, was retired in 1967. The depot's architecture is very similar to the one constructed at Williams Junction, AZ in 1959. Since this photo was taken, the building has been repainted and is in use by BNSF maintenance of way crews. these are pice of the prototype

photo by Marc Pearsall

these are the pics of the model. this started out as a plasticville depot that i repainted to match the prototype,  built & added the loading dock, built & added the electrical cabinets behind the structure. i am waiting for the radio antenna to arrive. i was going to scratch build this structure, but the plasticville kit came very close to the prototype. any way here are a couple of pics





Monday, October 8, 2012


new industry comes to my peavine sub. "N" scale layout 

this industry is actually on a sub. off the peavine called the "ennis" sub. it is a 9 mile stretch of track that serves a few industries, 2 of which i will be modeling. the first is called "fertizona"  the pics in this post is my rendition of the plant.


these are the parts cut out of .030 thick by .030 spacing evergreen styrene
all opennings cut out
the sub assemblies
sub assemblies fitted & secured
roof assemblies. hole in the roof is for the elevator to pass through. i use one sheet cut to size & then scribe it down the center & crease it.
ladders & cat walks go on the elevator
floor & roof support added 
the finished model.. all tanks are by "layout concepts"
another view of the model placed in the spot where it will be on the layout
this industry manufactures fertilizer. they receive materials "chemicals" via hoppers & tankers. trackage is located behind the structure.